Monday 21 January 2013

Melvyn Brown- Storyteller

Targeting success at any stage in your life is the first step in making a significant victory. Littering your life with hard work minus dedication and passion because you have to, apparently, brings a dull feeling of success. Now, try and plan a scheme well thought out, tested and purged of all unnecessary baggage ; and then put it into operation – the success quotient in this case will be a positive and happy reward.
From very young I earned a reputation for telling exciting stories in school to children of all ages. From fairy tales to folk stories and to the creation of my own efforts from the massive fortress of my creative mind , made many happy. I enjoyed narrating stories which seemed to baffle, amaze and amuse my young and not-so-young friends.
I began to write the stories I weaved in my mind’s web of fantasy. I sent my writings to editors of newspapers and magazines . Many stories were rejected and I kept the rejection slips to use as book-markers. From time to time my efforts were rewarded , and the stories began to appear in print. From the Times of India to the Statesman my dedication to get into print was coming true. The Indo-American Society invited me to tell stories to their children and they organized special programmes for my story-telling sessions. They were the first to call me , the Storyteller.
One thing followed another… I was invited to private birthday parties of children, and even to school concerts in the city. One bright day ALL INDIA RADIO gave me a contract after I passed their voice audition. I became Uncle Melvyn in their weekly programme Calling All Children on Sunday afternoons .  I became popular . The writing of stories did not stop. My scrapbook was soon filling up with all the story cuttings.
At that time the Statesman newspaper in Calcutta, had a Sunday section called the JS for youngsters. I remember  Desmond Doig as its editor. The Junior Statesman decided to sponsor my idea of a STORYTHON , to set a record. It was a challenge for me . The year was 1969. The Storython would be to non-stop tell a story which would be spontaneous , have several characters and have a beginning , a middle and an end. The event was held at  St.Thomas’ School on Kidderpore, Calcutta . I made a record : Three hours and forty seconds. My audience were the children of the school and the judges were their Principal  and two senior teachers . I became the First Indian to create a World Record of three hours and forty minutes of non-stop Storytelling, which has not been broken in all these years. The International Herald Tribune , from Paris, gave mention in their news column.
With the ability to tell a good story, I was given Creative English classes in two Loreto Schools in Calcutta : to make the fairy tales interesting and indirectly teach the children grammar and pronunciation. The idea was a success. Classes were always well attended on Story-class days.  For the Catholic weekly The Herald,  I was given the role of Peter Pan in the Junior Herald , and my task was to write a special letter every week for children. Eventually I became sub-editor for the Junior Herald . All the above activity was done while I held the post of Assistant librarian in St. Xavier’s College , Park Street, Calcutta.
Success is when you overcome. I worked at the things I loved to do ; to tell stories. I also struggled to tie things up with work pressure , meeting deadlines in proof-reading, typing stories and articles, keeping appointments and making new contacts. I was blessed with a wife who shouldered the responsibilities on the domestic front : sending the children to school ( and I had two children, a son and a daughter), cooking, preparing meals, cleaning the house and attending to my phone calls , the postmen and people who came to visit me at home. Because of my dear wife Joan , I could overcome many obstacles.
Ultimately, I collected a few of my fairy tales and self-published them in a book, Dragons and Dreams.  I survived , as another door opened – Spoken English in an Adult-Education Commercial school in Calcutta, India. But that is another story.....

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Sunday 20 January 2013

Share Your Success Story Today

Everyone has a success story for the world to hear. You are invited to share your Success story with the world. If you someone with a success story tell them to visit this blog. Thank you for trying to make this world a more positive place to live. All it takes is one success story for a person to get inspired enough to change his or her life for the better. Your story may be that story which can change one person's life.

Letter of Invitation to Share Your Success Story with the World 2013

  You are invited to share your story of Success with the World. There are so many people in the world who have given up hope of succeeding in life due to their own limiting beliefs and circumstances. These broken people in the world today need to read stories of a person like yourself who has made a mark in your field of endeavour and who is making a positive difference in the world today.
  I would like to have the honour of sharing your life and success story with the world today.
  Kindly send me by email your success story or that of a family member, friend or relative, which you would like to share with the world. Please include a scanned photo or the url of a photo on the web which you would like me to include with your post on the Publish Success blog. The success story may be in the first person and the facts must be true, which is the only required condition, so that people in similar situations around the world can identify with your story or narrative.
  When your success story is published, an Award will also be featured with the blog entry. Thank you so much for your kind consideration of this humble offer, which will help to bring about more positive changes in the world today.
  Warm Regards
   Warren Brown
Warren Brown@2012. London. United Kingdom

Saturday 19 January 2013

Kingdom of Snow

An original poem on the Kingdom of Snow by Poet and Amazon published author Warren Brown.
Get your FREE copy today, for this weekend only at the link given below:
Kingdom of Snow

Award Icon for a Success Story

When Your Success Story is published on this blog, one of the Award Icons given below will be placed beside your story, as an inspiration for all who read and appreciate it.

An Average Life by Warren Brown

The Nature Hymn

The Nature Hymn by Warren on You Tube

The Simple Guides-Pet Adoption, Shedding the Pounds

Two great topics in one book.This book on the Secrets to shedding the Pounds will assist you on your way to a healthier and happier life.Give a pet a home today and make the world a better place to live.Try Pet adoption and make your family happier.

Simple Guide to Shedding the Pounds

Simple Guide to Pet Adoption

Instant guide to Yoga and the Instant Magician

Meditation can help you to discover your inner sanctuary of peace and serenity.Yoga is based in Hinduism and is used by large numbers of people worldwide. Magic tricks aim to astonish and bewilder people. There are illusions that aim to entertain a large number of people or just a single person. They can be done in close proximity or with the aid of a large stage at a certain distance from its audience. However once the trick is done, the successful magician is one who can leave audiences with a sense of wonder at the spectacle.

The Instant Guide to Yoga and the Instant Magician

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Intuition Brings Success

Your Intuition can bring you success. Decision-making is an inevitable part of the human experience, and one of the most mysterious. Read more..
Source: Science Daily

Lady of the Sea and other Poems

This collection of poems explores a number of interesting topics from Ninjas and Shoguns, to Robin Hood, Britain's Got Talent, to poems on Nature, Elvis Presley, the Piccadilly Line and the History of London. Warren Brown has been writing Poetry since the age of Eighteen and has published a number of his poems in magazines, newspapers, blogs, and in the Anthology of Poetry, published by the Watermark Press, USA. Warren enjoys writing poems and has also tried his hand at writing a variety of verse, from the Limerick to the Clerihew. In a number of his poems, Warren likes to narrate a story, while creating a character and a situation, using powerful word imagery. The Reader will find the poems of Warren Brown to be both inspiring and educational, with a lot of positive expressions related to life, the nature of man, the growth of the person, the development of society, in our Modern Age and the evolution of the human race.

Lady of the Sea book

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